Building Partnerships for a Safer Community

Level 3 Sex Offender Community Notification  

Information from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (SORB) Sex Offender Registry Board

***WARNING*** Information shall NOT be used to commit a crime or to engage in illegal discrimination or harassment of an offender.  Any person who uses information disclosed pursuant to M.G.L. C. 6 §§ 178C - 178Q for such purposes shall be punished by not more than two and one half (2 ½) years in a house of correction or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) or both (M.G.L. C.6, § 178N).  In addition, any person who uses Registry information to threaten to commit a crime may be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months (M.G.L.C. 275 § 4).

 Level 3 offenders have been determined to be at a high risk to reoffend and to pose a high degree of dangerousness to the public. 

The following individuals are Registered Level 3 offenders living or working in the Town of Grafton. These individuals are listed in alphabetical order. You may click on a name or photo to obtain more information.